"Kagoshima Japan's Mt Sakurajima erupting on a clear day. This volcano, located 4km across Kinko Bay from Kagoshima City, erupted more than 800 times in 2010. Prevailing winter winds bring the ash south away from the city."
Price: 10
"All Nippon airlines (ANA) jet airplane on ground at Kagoshima Airport while Shinmoedake volcano erupts in the background. Shinmoedake volcano became active Jaunuary 19, 2011. Located 20km from the airport, eruptions sending plumes of ash upwards of 4km in"
Price: 10
Volcano Sakurajima erupting after a recent snow. Snowfall in Kagoshima city is a relatively rare event. Mt Sakurajima volcano has been active since 1954. In 2010 it erupted over 800 times setting a record for one year.
Price: 10